Having met homeless people locally, including some veterans, this is very personal to me and in my humble view, it is unforgivable that anyone should be living rough on our streets today when there is so much wealth around us.
James Sunderland campaigns on homelessness and mental health issues, in particular for veterans.
James Sunderland calls on the Government to invest in SEN children as never before, to speed up diagnosis and open more dedicated SEN schools so that every local authority can provide focused intervention in a specialist and dedicated setting allowing children to fulfil their potential in the right environment, rather simply be excluded.
James Sunderland calls for sustained Government funding and good local solutions to solve the problem of homelessness and he urges the Government to overturn the recent spending review decision to freeze the value of local housing allowance.
James Sunderland questions the Church Commissioners about the Church of England and mental health support and the impact of covid-19 on young people working in the church in particular.
James Sunderland MP asks the Secretary of State for Education about tackling the backlog in child and adolescent mental health services caused as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.