Since publication of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspection report on the Sandhurst Group Practice (SGP) in September 2022, I have personally met with officials from the Frimley Health Integrated Care Board (ICB), partners at the practice and members of the local Patient Participation Group. I have also visited staff at both the Sandhurst and Owlsmoor surgeries. I am pleased to report that a detailed action plan is now in place for rectifying all the issues identified during the CQC Inspection and I would like to commend all stakeholders for their significant, rapid and encouraging progress to date.
Now that the Frimley Health ICB has temporarily stepped in, I am confident that service will improve in line with expectations. The action plan covers two primary areas, management and administration, and I am delighted that the Patient Group has offered to assist with communications. Whilst the CQC report rated safety as inadequate, I am confident, the introduction of additional management and clinical support has addressed this key area. It is important for me to re-iterate the brilliant work that is being conducted by doctors, nurses and all support staff, to whom we remain grateful. Additional administration and reception staff are also being recruited and waiting times for surgeries, call times and other services will continue to fall. I will of course continue to closely monitor progress and do my bit to help drive outcomes.
Lastly if I may, it was disappointing to hear that staff at both Sandhurst and Owlsmoor practices have recently reported an increase in verbal abuse by patients. Our key workers do a tough job and care greatly about the care they provide so please treat them with the respect they deserve. This will also help to ensure that both practices will quickly get back to their customary high level of service.